As all the products that Creative Design Corp. exclusively designs and manufactures such as radio antennas,
balun transformer, antenna rotators, telecommunication towers of both self/guy-supporting type, and other
related equipments proved and substantiated through the experiences of achievement among, from which we
established utmost reliability. This makes us proceed ahead for continuous research for accumulating further
development and technologies for the rest of needs and demands. The followings are only the some of clients
we have been actually supplied to so far.
A variety of communication antennas system with rotator and towers include those such as embassies,
marine and coastal base stations, aviation of government official and agencies, Metropolitan Police Stations,
telephone-link telecommunications stations, TV and AM/FM radio broadcasting stations of both private and
government owned of both domestic and overseas, Self-Defense Agency, PTT, maritime safety agency and
airport control centers for aviation and air-navigation, research organization of Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Self-Defense Office, cellular phone relaying and switching stations, Ministry of National Land and Transportation,
the Meteorological Agency, fishery communication station of Ministry of Fishery Agency, radio observation
agencies of Ministry of Post and Telecommunication Agency, news and press communication companies,
research and study center of universities and organization, Base in Antarctica for the ionosphere observation,
laboratory center for developing technology and research, and weather observation of the Meteorological
Agency or organization or universities of both domestic and overseas, auto-industrial companies, etc.
The same is true for the products for the amateur radio fields for their professional-grade quality and performance
and well designed structure. The clients included well-known DXers, those contest, award-hunting lovers, EME and
satellite communication enthusiasts etc.